Places You’ll See


Balkan Bus Trip

Trip through 4 Countries

Tour Operator:

Balkan by Bus

Tour Operator:

Balkan by Bus

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Arrival in Prishtina, Kosovo Settle in and prepare for the adventures ahead in Prishtina.

Prishtina Outdoor Exploration, Kosovo Stroll along Mother Teresa Boulevard and enjoy a leisurely day in Germia Park, engaging in outdoor activities like hiking or cycling.

  • Germia Park: Escape the hustle and bustle of the city at Germia Park, a vast green space offering walking trails, picnic areas, and recreational facilities. It’s a favorite spot for locals to relax and unwind.
  • Bear Sanctuary Prishtina: Visit this sanctuary, located just outside Prishtina, to see rescued bears living in a natural environment. Learn about the sanctuary’s efforts to provide a safe haven for these animals.

Shkup Outdoor Day, North Macedonia Embark on a boat tour in Matka Canyon and hike or take a cable car to the Millennium Cross for panoramic views of Skopje.

  • Matka Canyon: Embark on a boat tour in Matka Canyon, surrounded by cliffs and caves. Optionally, consider rock climbing or hiking in the area. (16km near Skopje)
  • Millennium Cross: Hike or take a cable car to the Millennium Cross for panoramic views of Skopje.

Ohrid Lakeside Activities, North Macedonia Experience water activities on Ohrid Lake and take a walking tour to explore the lakeside and historical sites.

  • Ohrid Lake: Enjoy water activities such as kayaking or paddleboarding on the serene Ohrid Lake.
  • Ohrid Walking Tour: Take a walking tour exploring the lakeside and historical sites.

Ohrid Cultural Delights, North Macedonia Explore more of Ohrid’s charm with visits to Saint Sophia Church, the Amphitheatre, and leisurely walks through the Old Bazaar.

Pogradec Lakeside Adventure, Albania Engage in water activities on Lake Ohrid and explore the natural beauty of Drilon National Park.

  • Lake Ohrid: Engage in water activities or relax by the shores of Lake Ohrid.
  • Drilon National Park: Explore the natural beauty of Drilon National Park, possibly by hiking or birdwatching. (5.3km near Pogradec)
  • Visit Lin village: Paleo-Christian Basilica of Lini, known for its colorful mosaics.

Shkodra Outdoor Marvels, Albania Hike to Rozafa Castle and enjoy a boat tour or kayaking adventure on Lake Skadar.

  • Explore the Marubi Museum, offering a captivating journey through the history of photography.
  • Visit Rozafa Castle, an important monument with a rich history.
  • Discover Shkoder Lake, the largest lake in the Balkan region, providing natural beauty.
  • Explore Shkoder Historical Museum to learn about the city’s history.

Beach Day in Ulcinj, Montenegro Relax on the beautiful beaches of Ulcinj and explore the historic Ulcinj Castle.

  • Explore Ulcinj Castle, an urban and architectural complex among the oldest in the Adriatic.
  • Visit Ulcinj Museum to learn about local history through archaeological and ethnographic exhibits.
  • Explore the narrow streets and historical sites in Old Ulcinj.

Bar Historical Exploration, Montenegro Discover the Stari Bar Fortress and the Old Olive Tree, witnessing the rich history of Bar.

  • Explore Stari Bar Fortress, known for its clock tower and well-preserved city walls.
  • Visit the old olive tree in Stari Bar, famous for its ancient olive trees.
  • Explore the Omerbasha Mosque, a 17th-century mosque in the heart of Stari Bar.

Scenic Drive to Podgorica, Montenegro Embark on a scenic drive to Podgorica, stopping along the way to admire the stunning Montenegrin landscapes.

  • Old Town (Stara Varoš): Explore the historic heart of Podgorica with its narrow streets, ancient buildings, and charming atmosphere. You can find traditional cafes, shops, and restaurants here.
  • Millennium Bridge: This iconic bridge spans the Morača River and is one of the most recognizable landmarks of Podgorica. It’s particularly beautiful illuminated at night.
  • Morača Monastery: Located just outside Podgorica, this Serbian Orthodox monastery dates back to the 13th century. It’s nestled in a picturesque canyon and offers beautiful views.

Outdoor Exploration in Podgorica, Montenegro Explore Ribnica and St. George’s Church, then hike or take a cable car to the nearby Mount Gorica for panoramic views of Podgorica.

Historical Discoveries in Peja, Kosovo Visit the Patriarchate of Peja and enjoy the natural beauty of Drini Waterfall before exploring the Old Bazaar.

  • Patriarchate of Peja: This Serbian Orthodox monastery complex is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most significant religious and cultural landmarks in Kosovo. Dating back to the 13th century, it consists of several churches, chapels, and living quarters, adorned with stunning frescoes and architectural details.
  • Historic Bazaar (Çarshia e Vjetër): Take a leisurely stroll through the cobblestone streets of Peja’s historic bazaar, which dates back to Ottoman times. Here, you’ll find a vibrant mix of traditional shops, artisanal crafts, and local eateries. It’s an excellent place to immerse yourself in the city’s bustling atmosphere and discover unique souvenirs.
  • Bajrakli Mosque: Located in the heart of the historic bazaar, the Bajrakli Mosque is one of Peja’s oldest and most recognizable landmarks. Built in the 15th century, it boasts a distinctive Ottoman architectural style and is open to visitors interested in learning about Islamic heritage in Kosovo.

Outdoor Adventures in Prizren, Kosovo Experience the thrill of Via Ferrata, ziplining, and caving in Rugova Gorge before exploring the historical sites of Prizren.

  • Prizren Fortress (Kalaja): Overlooking the city, Prizren Fortress offers panoramic views of the city and the surrounding countryside. Explore the ancient walls, towers, and ruins while soaking in the historical ambiance.
  • Sinan Pasha Mosque: This stunning Ottoman mosque, built in the 17th century, is one of Prizren’s most iconic landmarks. Admire its elegant architecture, intricate decorations, and serene atmosphere.
  • Church of Our Lady of Ljeviš: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, this medieval Serbian Orthodox church dates back to the 14th century. Marvel at its impressive architecture and magnificent frescoes, which depict scenes from religious and historical narratives.
  • Old Stone Bridge (Ura e Gurit): Spanning the Bistrica River, this 15th-century bridge is an emblematic symbol of Prizren. Take a leisurely stroll across the bridge and admire its architectural beauty.

Cultural Immersion in Prishtina, Kosovo Explore the city’s museums, landmarks, and vibrant street life, savoring the last day of your Balkan adventure.

  • Emin Gjiku Complex: Explore this historic complex, which includes a 19th-century Ottoman house, a mosque, and a Turkish bath. Learn about Prishtina’s Ottoman heritage and admire the traditional architecture and artifacts on display.
  • National Library of Kosovo: Marvel at the unique architectural design of the National Library, known for its striking geometric pattern and colorful exterior. The library houses a vast collection of books, manuscripts, and historical documents.
  • Ethnological Museum (Muzeu Etnologjik): Step back in time at this museum, housed in a traditional Ottoman-era house. Discover Kosovo’s cultural heritage through exhibits of traditional clothing, household items, and crafts.

Farewell in Prishtina, Kosovo Reflect on your journey and bid farewell to the Balkans before departing for your next destination.

5 Day

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7 Day

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10 Day

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